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At a certain stage of family development, a couple wonders whether to give birth to a child or wait. Each married couple must go through certain stages of relationship development: - separation from the parental family - single life - creating their own family and having a child. Starting to live together, the couple resolves the issues that confront them: who is responsible for what, how functions and roles are distributed in the family. Having managed to resolve these issues, the spouses move on to a new stage of the relationship - the decision to have a child. But what to do when the woman is ready for the baby, but the man refuses to change the situation? This can become a reason for discord and mutual resentment; you are unlikely to want this. First, ask yourself the question, are you really ready for another member to appear in your family or, with the help of a child, do you want to resolve other issues, for example, loneliness in relationships, unfulfillment, etc. If the answer is yes, and you want to give your love and care to your little baby, then having gained inner confidence, you need to inform your husband about your desire. Tell him why this is important for you and your family. If in response you come across an opposite opinion, do not be upset; fear is often behind men’s reluctance to have a child. The birth of a child will affect the entire family structure: all responsibility for the well-being of the family will depend on your spouse. Your relationship will also change, almost all of your time, care and love will be directed to the baby and the likelihood that your husband will be “left behind” alone is very high. Leisure time, freedom of movement - everything will be at risk and all this may frighten your spouse. However, the situation in each family is unique, so you will have to find out your husband's concerns. Organize a heart-to-heart conversation, think with your spouse about how your life might change with the birth of a baby. What difficulties might you encounter and, of course, imagine how you can solve them. Also, do not forget to focus on what pleasant changes will happen and how they will strengthen your relationship. Talk about families you know who already have children, about their experiences, how they cope/don’t cope with the difficulties that arise, and what you could do together if you find yourself in a similar situation. Let your man know what you will overcome together emerging difficulties and resolving issues. Of course, your family may not face the problems that you are discussing, however, such “analysis” will bring clarity to the state of affairs, you will be able to talk about your desires and find out about the desires of your husband; fears that hinder changes in the family will be revealed and ways to solve them will be discussed; there will be a feeling that everything can be resolved and the birth of a baby will no longer seem like a frightening unknown. Continuation of the article https://www.b17.ru/article/47525/