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As a rule, young parents look forward to the birth of their first child for nine long months. But it happens that after the birth of a baby, joy is replaced by unfounded claims on the part of the husband. “What’s wrong?” - this question torments thousands of women. The answer is simple: the husband is jealous of the child! Reasons for the husband's jealousy After the birth of the baby, married life changes dramatically. A woman spends 24 hours a day with her baby, and the young mother has neither energy nor time left for the rest of the family. Maternal instinct is the strongest feeling in nature, so sometimes a woman completely switches to a small miracle, forgetting about her family and friends. Most young mothers believe that the husband, like no one else, must understand the current situation without further ado, and for offenses There is not the slightest reason for the lack of attention and care on the part of the wife. However, this does not always happen, and family relationships become strained, and every day they become stronger and stronger. The man begins to be jealous of the child. He shows with all his appearance that he needs attention and care, especially if there was previously an abundance of it. Some husbands are shocked by this situation. Someone understands the importance of the problem and tries to talk openly with their significant other, someone seeks consolation and affection on the side or goes on a binge. Often the situation is aggravated by the fact that the wife reacts negatively to her husband’s request to pay him attention. She accuses him of selfishness, claiming that he doesn’t even try to understand how tired she is. Undoubtedly, this is true, but mutual accusations can lead to serious problems in the family. In fact, it is difficult to reach men with reproaches, but it is very easy to achieve a break with such methods. Women need to show wisdom in such situations and try to find the right way out of them. Eliminating rivalry A priori, the man is the head of the family, and this is not just a status for him. He wants to be in charge in everything, including in the life of his other half. With the birth of the baby, he will undoubtedly be ready to step aside, but he will never agree to transfer the leading role in the family to the child. It happens that when women devote more time to their newborn, men perceive this as a sign that their wife is cooling towards them. This is why there is a reason for the husband’s jealousy of the child and rivalry with the baby. Sometimes a sincere and calm conversation can help you convey to the man that it is not a matter of cooling off. A young mother needs to make sure that caring for her child and communicating with her husband go hand in hand. There is no need to send your husband alone on daily walks with the baby. No matter how difficult it may be for you, put off all household chores and go for a walk together. Try to communicate more with your spouse, talk about topics that are relevant to you, and exchange words of love. The man must feel that there is and cannot be any rivalry between him and the child. He should know that both your child and your husband are equally important to you. Revealing paternal feelings. Often young mothers are afraid to entrust their newborn child to their spouse. This is the biggest mistake! Jealousy of a husband’s child occurs much more often in cases where the man’s sense of paternity has not awakened. In this case, the husband perceives the child more as a piece of furniture, an obligatory attribute of the family, but not as his own blood. Therefore, it is necessary to involve the spouse in caring for the child from a very early age, so that he has the opportunity to prove himself in the role of a father. Over time, he will no longer feel superfluous, and such amazing character traits may be revealed in him that he did not even suspect. Also, we should not forget about gratitude, which is best expressed in affection, care and attention. Finding free time If possible, then it is worth involving assistants in caring for the baby. On weekends or in the evenings, he can be left with his grandmother. If possible, you can hire a nanny (not necessarily a permanent one). Today there is.