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If you remember only negative things from childhood? Often people, remembering themselves in childhood, talk about failures, misdeeds, punishments, insults, fights and other emotionally intense events. What does it mean? If, for example, you remember something “negative” from childhood, you should know that you are part of the majority! Perhaps the whole point is in the author of the method - A. Adler was developing the concept of “inferiority complex” and believed that it was completely normal that a child being small and, compared to an adult, “insufficient” by any comparison criterion. For a child, according to Adler, it is important to overcome his own “inadequacy” and establish himself in the adult world. Often, even the most emotionally intense and even, in everyday language, a “terrible” memory from childhood can indicate a favorable and constructive life style. The child one way or another overcame difficulties and survived, coped, and made certain conclusions that can become an attitude throughout life. A. Adler himself analyzed many early childhood memories and managed to find a way to change his life style if it turned out to be destructive. In my opinion, this method is one of the environmentally friendly, simple and quite effective. If a person considers it necessary, he can independently analyze his own life style, through childhood memories. It happens that psychological defenses interfere with awareness, but if the motivation to know yourself is high, then you can safely try! If any of the readers have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments. The analysis scheme can be found herehttp://m.b17.ru/article/childhood_memory/